Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A few more things!

First! I keep forgetting to say, to my far flung friends (and those not so far flung), that we will be having a Driggs reception on the 21st of March, which I believe is a Saturday. I do not know many of the details yet, but will soon. The idea is that official announcements will get mailed soon. If you are someone who is from far away and needs more info to see if you can come, send me an e-mail and pester me. I'll get to it soon. Much love to all!!

Also, I think, if I did things right, this is a link that will take you to a copy of our wedding ceremony:

1 comment:

Sheen said...

yay! it's official! congrats! for sure keep me posted on your driggs reception! i'd love to see you!